Thursday, November 16, 2006


The more I have been surfing through blogs, the more I see Adsense terminating accounts. Funny thing is its usually when they are close to the 100$ mark. Between 80-99 I've noticed they've been shutting down certain accounts.

Its hard to tell you how to prevent "invalid" clicks, besides by not clicking your own ads. Anyone could sit there and click ads for you all day and you couldn't stop them.

I've converted this main ad to Adbrite and I'm currently looking for other ads to replace. The Clickbooth - Make Money! affiliate ads arent bad, but most of the offers need you to send the person to either signup or buy something, there isn't pay per clicks.

Bidvertiser is rather slow in loading, takes a long time.

Feel free to submit other ad places and I'll try them out and you get a free referral. Incentive eh? :)

My blogs are doing well, as good as I can expect for now. I'm really hoping to expand them. It would be awesome to piggy back my fantasy football blog on a bigger website, but no real solid offers yet.

Before I go if your a blogger looking for someone to put some text link ad's on your site check out money4blogs. They usually offer x amount of $ for a year worth of ads.


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