Monday, June 11, 2007

Top 10 Warning Signs of Blogging Addiction

Reading Ordinary Folk, I found and article on Julies Journal.

She recently made a list of 10 Warning Signs That You May Be Addicted To Blogging

I figured this would be perfect for this blog. Do any of these sound like you? I like number 4 and number 2 the best.

10. You call tech support to find out how to “activate” your Glade Plugin.

9. Your friends tell you that you need to stop blogging so much and get out and socialize more. So you take your laptop to Starbucks and logon to Digg, StumbleUpon, MyBlogLog, Reddit for the evening

8. You ask the new car salesman if the car is Widget ready.

7. You look for Category buttons on the right side of the ATM Kiosk.

6. You drive all over town looking for a Dry Cleaner that will wash and WordPress your garments.

5. Your Boss, who you dislike, tells you that you did an outstanding job on the last assignment and and that he’s going to put you in for a raise. You reply by saying “Can I Blockquote you on that?”

4. On your resume where it ask for references, you include your Blogroll.

3. You’ve requested that all companies who automatically withdraw funds from your online bank account to send your receipts to the Comment section of your blog.

2. You don’t let your kids play with other kids from the Shady side of town because you’re afraid Google may penalize you for having links to bad neighborhoods.

1. When your child was born you hurried to logon to your Technorati account to claim them.


sapheyerblu said...

My personal favorite is #10.

That's funny

Anonymous said...

lol...very funny. If you ever extend your list you can add...

You talk to strangers just so you have a link